Upcoming Herbal Classes

  • Herbal Skincare- May 9th at 6:15pm

    Our skin is the largest organ in our body, and while our skin health does start from the inside, we can also incorporate herbs into our skincare routines for added glow and support. In this class we will discuss different herbs and herbal preparations to help our skin look and feel it’s best. You will receive recipes and a small herbal gift as well.

    Hosted at Valhalla’s Gate, Virtual & in-person tickets available

  • Tea Flight Class- May 25th at 11am

    The nervous system impacts many systems in our bodies, including the endocrine and digestive systems. In this class, we will taste test four different herbs and discuss many modalities to incorporate them into our lives.

    Hosted at Nourish & Lift. in-person class only

  • Midsouth Women's Herbal Confrence- OCT 4-6

    This is a multi-day event where I will be teaching a class:

    join herbalists and teachers from near and far for a weekend of immersive workshops, plant walks, herbal education, and fun! Settle into Autumn with grounding rituals, yoga among the trees, seasonal ceremonies, and hundreds of acres of forest to roam and explore. Make new friends and connections at our Herbal Marketplace, drum circle (featuring The Conundrums), Tea Party, and other special events.

Can’t make it to one of the classes?

I also offer private lessons or small group education. Gather your friends and let’s learn about the plants around us! Private lessons are a great option to dive deeper or if you struggle to focus in group settings. We can tailor the lessons to the topics you are interested in as well as your learning style. This can include video recordings, PDFs, hands-on exercises, and more.

Past Class Topics

  • Herbs for Dream Work & Meditation

  • Herbs for First Aid

  • Wild Edible Plants

  • Hands-on Herbal Intensive

  • Herbs for Shadow Work

  • Body Oils and Intention Oils

  • Plant Identification

  • Poisonous Plant Energetics

  • Herbs for Womens Wellness

  • and more!

Take control of your own wellness. You are worth it.